No side effects whatsoever yet. Resting in between visitors now. Enjoying the park view but wishing I could be out on the boat or on the golf course enjoying this nice weather. I got a taste of it for 7 minutes today when the doctor gave me a hall pass between chemo bags.
1st bag of chemo is done. Wish it could be a"one and done," but not to be!
Hello, bag 2 of 4

Checking messages back at the office...

Business partners Brian and Linda Marcukaitis

Tennis ace and PI attorney extraordinaire Nick Stein

Jessica . . . the cutest and sweetest aide I've ever met . . .
Fellow Southeast member and Masters Men baritone, Zach Coblens.
Zach is a bass-section wannabe because he's known what I've know for years and that is that the bass section is the FUN section!
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