Friends, I am now 8 days post transplant and feeling so much better than I thought I would. Docs have unhooked me from 24 hour IV fluids and now I'm getting fluids for just 3 hours a day....the balance is up to me, so I'm drinking an average of 4 or 5 bottles of water a day. Anti rejection meds are given twice a day, at 5 am and 5 pm, and blood work is collected at is it any wonder that my new wake up time is closer to 8:30am than my normal 6:30am?? I can't wait to get home just to normalize my sleep.
I don't spend any time during the day in my bed. Dr. Tse says that's a no-no. I need to be up and in a chair or just walking around the long as I have a mask on so as not to catch any potential illness. My appetite is good as a matter of fact....not like last time when it took me weeks to recover it and I dropped 20 pounds. So I am thankful that nutrition wise, I'm getting the calories and proteins I need to regain strength and stamina.
The actual grafting of Bruce's cells should begin any day prayer is that they find their way to the bone marrow, that the anti rejection drugs do their job, and that these immature little stem cells begin producing the white and red cells as well as platelets that will be the building blocks of my new immune system.
I'm so incredibly lucky and blessed that the donor was my brother. This will help minimize potential complications and aid in the overall long term development of my immune system. What a selfless act of love, generosity, and human kindness.
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